Adding Performance Time to Single Event on Web

I am working to add the performance time to the event page in the web store for one-off events.

I know the code lies in \TMtemplates\tmEventDurationDisplay.html

pick(P_PERFORMANCES=1,'Runs from','Occurs on') cap(dat(P_SHOW_FIRST,'w n D y')) pick(P_PERFORMANCES=1,con('to ',cap(dat(P_SHOW_LAST,'w n D y'))),con('at ',cap(tim(P_SHOW_FIRST,'h:N A'))))

pick(P_PLAY_DURATION>=320,'','All Day Event') pick(P_PLAY_DURATION>=320,'','') pick(P_PLAY_DURATION>=320,'','-->')

I think I have the code above right, but if anyone sees anything I missed, please let me know.

I got the answer from @Bonnie_Hamilton and Doug.

I cant do what I want to do because the field, P_SHOW_FIRST, I hoped had a time value in it does not have time just a date.

Interesting and helpful - thanks Randale!