Exporting a House Report

Hello all!

I ran a house report for an event using the report rHouseReportName. When the report prints to the screen, it shows the Patron #, Patron Name, Primary Phone & Primary Email, Section/Row/Seat, Date Ticket Printed, Quantity, Price Code, and Promotion.

However, when I export the report to Excel, all of the patron information is missing - there is no name, or even identifying information for patrons or performance! I’m sure some of the numbers on the exported report mean those things, but they are not translatable by a person. :slight_smile:

I don’t really want to give the email address of patrons to a venue, which is why I wanted the export.

Hi Mary!

I was able to export the report and the patron information showed up for me. I know there have been updates to TM since this question was posted, hopefully that addressed this issue!


Great! I honestly haven’t tried lately. :blush:

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