June 09, 2020 10-11 AM MST - Musical Chairs: How do we determine which patron gets a seat?

@victoriaRLT so looking forward to seeing you tomorrow at the Community Conversation.

Hi everyone! Just a note to clarify EVERYONE who has registered for the Zoom meeting this morning is good to join. Myself and a few other Artsman staff were posting replies yesterday to those who registered for the Zoom meeting AND are signed up in Community Forums (this site). If you didn’t get a reply in this thread you are confirmed and registered for the meeting, we will see you at 10am MST.

Very sorry for any confusion this may have caused. All is well and we are looking forward to seeing everyone in a few hours.

Me too! I didn’t get a zoom invite, when should I expect it?

Hi Stephanie,
We can see that you signed up using your gmail account. The email containing the link would have been sent to that account. Please take a look for an email sent from no-reply@zoom.us

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Thank you! see you soon

i didn’t get one either :frowning:

I don’t think I received a link for this, and it’s happening now! Any chance someone is seeing this and can send it to me?

i found it in the bottom of the confirmation email from when i signed up

Hello Eva,
We have resent the email with the link to your gmail account.