Survey Trends from Patrons and Volunteers - what are stakeholders saying?

More than a few organizations have asked their patrons and volunteers how they are feeling about returning to their spaces. Are you comfortable sharing some of your general survey results?

What kinds of questions is the community asking of patrons and what is the general response? Since this was mentioned in the Musical Chairs Community Conversation, we wanted to give space to share what those questions sound like and how, in broad strokes, are patrons responding.

We recently surveyed our patrons using the CAPACOA - Cultural Recovery Planning Survey.
We will likely follow up with a survey more tailored to our patrons and volunteers.
Some result highlights:

64% said they missed Live Music Concerts/Theatre A lot; 29% Said A Little
60% said the missed Dining at Restaurants A Lot

64-76% said their consumption of these activities would stay the same once we return.

Once restrictions are lifted:
21% Said they would return Immediately
29% said they would return within a few weeks
21% 1-2 months
20% 3-6 months

Impact on finances
79% said Minor or No Impact

72% Age 55-74

Key City Theatre