Over the past 40 years Arts Management Systems’ Theatre Manager has been reinvented numerous times. Each time, we focused not only on what was needed from the user interface but on what the industry needed as a whole - where did Theatre Manager “fit in?”
In pursuit of that mission, Theatre Manager became one of the most affordable, feature-rich ticketing CRMs in the US and Canada, driven by a small, dedicated team.
Today, we reinvent our software again, but this time it’s going to be a little different. Our ideas will endure, but the business and the technology both need a dramatic change.
The industry today faces many new challenges, and those new challenges will require innovative software that will solve problems both correctly and ethically - what we’ve always strived to do. Live entertainment is more important than ever, and I believe that at this time the industry will benefit most from a unification of ideas. We must build bridges to bring people together for life affirming, shared experiences at your venue(s).
Introducing Spektrix
Over time it became clear that there was only one provider I could trust with Theatre Manager’s mantle. One that could be a true partner. One that could provide all of the day-to-day features, while also maintaining the business stewardship that we’ve championed for so long.That provider is Spektrix.
From today, we’ll begin supporting Theatre Manager users to migrate to Spektrix, giving you the benefit of a larger company, built on contemporary technology and shared principles. We’ll continue to operate Theatre Manager while you put your plans in place, after which we’ll wind down our company (Arts Management Systems) and technology (Theatre Manager and cloud hosting).
To ensure the most seamless transition possible, I’ve been working closely with Spektrix these last few months to equip them with the knowledge that they need of Theatre Manager and its users, maximizing the positive impact we’ll have on the sector while minimizing the risk inherent with any transition of this scale.
You’ll have the full support of the Arts Management Systems and Spektrix teams to ensure a seamless handover - and as a certified B Corporation, I’m confident that Spektrix is genuinely committed to your long term success.
**What’s next? **
Very shortly you’ll hear from James Menezes, VP of Client Success at Spektrix. He’ll share everything you need to know to start planning when and how to change systems, and exactly what you can expect once you get started. If by any chance you don’t receive that email today, please enter your details in here to make sure he and the team have the correct contact details for you.
As not just the owner, but one of the main developers of Theatre Manager, it’s been hard to say goodbye to something that’s been created over two decades of my life. We’ve had good ideas, nearly-good ideas, and a few bad ideas too. I’m grateful to all of you who have helped to shape Theatre Manager into what it is today, and I will be working very hard to ensure that Spektrix gets the benefit of the good ideas we’ve developed together. (And maybe they’ll help me simplify those nearly-good ideas too.)
Please enjoy your shows, and it’s been a pleasure working with you
David McKeone
Arts Management Systems Ltd.
1110 Maggie Street SE
Calgary, Alberta T2G 4M1