TTT August 10, 2023

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1. Increase or Decrease Font Size in List Window

Text size in any List Windows can be adjusted for better readability. With the keyboard shortcuts for both Windows and MacOS, you can now make the text larger. Give it a try the next time you have a List Window Open!

2. Search Criteria for Finding Donations Source

The Donations Source criteria can be used to retrieve data according to how a donation was made. For instance, it can find donations entered as recurring donations, matching gifts, internet donations, and more.

Where a donor may have made many contributions over a period of time, the donation source criteria field can be used to identify donations from a specific source. This criteria can be particularly beneficial for the development team. For example, when searching for donations made online, use the criteria “Donation Source is one of ‘Internet’.”

3. Ticket Selection Settings for Ticket Display Online

You can choose how you would like to display the description of your ticket prices online in the Web Options Purchasing Tab of Company Preferences. You can select whether you would like to display the price code, promotion, or both when selling tickets online.

Hi Elizabeth!

Sorry if this isn’t the right place, I couldn’t find anything related in the Help.

Since the most recent update, the current balance section—in the bottom-left of the order window—looks a little squished together. That is, the bottoms of all the numbers are being cut off. I tried this ctrl+/- tip to change them, but it’s not listening.

Any tips?



Hi Anatole, thanks for your post. Can you let me know what organization you work with? I’ll have our support team reach out to you regarding the issue you’ve described.
Frank | User Advocate