TTT - December 14 2017


  1. Adding and Removing Employee Access to Functions

Did you know that you can customize what functions your employees can have access to in Theatre Manager? We recently added two new functions to the list of available items - the ability to view Social Security and Passport Numbers.

You can also customize employee access to data.

Customizing employee access to functions and data is handy when you are setting up new employees and/or volunteers.

  1. Year End Rollover

We are almost at the end of the calendar year, and for a number of our clients that means the end of another Fiscal Year. If your Fiscal Year ends on December 31st, we want to make sure that you have the tools and information in hand that you will need for a successful Year End Rollover. I know that we are still a couple of weeks away from the end of the year, but many organizations are closed between Christmas and New Year, so we wanted you to have the information available ahead of time.

For those of you who do NOT have a December Fiscal Year End, you need not be concerned about this at this time. Simply tuck these instructions away for when it is your turn to do the Year End Roll Over (YERO), and you’ll be ready to go!

Please note: if you do an End of Day in the new fiscal year before running Year End Rollover, any GL entries dated for the new year will not post until Year End Rollover is done. We advise running Year End Rollover as close to the fiscal year end as possible.

The most critical element of the YERO process is performing a backup of the database immediately prior to running the YERO. Use the BackupTM.bat script to make a backup, and then take the copy of the database and put it into your ‘Monthly Folder’ for safekeeping. You may want to add YERO to the name of the backup to make it recognizable.

  1. Exciting Things to Come!

Our Development Team has been working hard and has some exciting new things coming soon…

the ability to round the cart value to the nearest amount by adding a donation.
the addition of an email feature to the batch printing of tickets.

This is just a sample of what’s to come. We’ll provide more details as they come available. Stay tuned!