TTT November 18, 2021

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1. ACT - Zoom Webinar Series - Coupon & Presale Codes

Our next ACT, Artsman Coffee Time, will focus on Coupons and PreSales Access Codes. This free webinar session will start with a walk-through of how to create a presale code for advanced ticket sales. We will then explore the setup of a coupon code, highlighting sales rules, and follow up with a Q&A session.

Join us on Tuesday, November 23rd!

Visit Artsman Community for more details and to register for this free session.

2. Mail Merge

Mail Merge is one of the many powerful features in Theatre Manager. It’s an excellent marketing tool that can be used for letters, envelopes, or email blasts. Most commonly used to merge data fields into the body of a letter, Form Letters allow for merging with a multitude of criteria including a pre-prepared mail list. The merged letter is stored in the database for future reference.

Mail Merge can be used for:

Example of Merging a Mail List with a Form Letter

Form Letter setup before a merge

Merged letter

3. Quick Start YouTube Playlist

The Artsman Quick Start YouTube Playlist has a set of informative step by step videos that focus on some essentials of patron management including:

  • How to search for patrons in the database,
  • Inserting a new patron or household member,
  • Inserting, editing or removing information on the contact card, and more!

Our full library of videos is also available on our YouTube Channel!