TTT - September 27, 2018

1. OSX and Mojave

Apple has released Mojave - we suggest that people DEFER updating to Mojave on their workstations as the 64 bit version of Theatre Manager is still in beta (we have a couple more things to address).

Please do not update any TM Servers beyond High Sierra.

2. Wildcard Search

Theatre Manager allows the use of the ‘%’ wildcard when searching. The % wildcard substitutes for normal characters in a search string. For example, to search for people that sound like ‘Smith’, you could use ‘Sm%th’. To search for all people who live on Main, you could use ‘% main’ (this could find 123 Main Street, 895 Main Avenue, etc). Here are a few examples:

3. Making Scheduled Address Changes

Once again, we are coming up to that time of year when people from the northern US and Canada decide that they don’t want to spend the cooler months of the year at their primary residence and opt to travel to warmer climes in the south. You can schedule a future address change in Theatre Manager so that the primary address with change automatically. This can also be used in instances when patrons tell you in advance that they are moving. A very handy tool to use in Theatre Manager!